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How to Hurt Your Google Places Listings

By December 22, 2011Best Practices

I’ve written multiple pieces on how to properly set up and maintain your Google Places listing and account, but haven’t touched on the mistakes you could be making, hurting your car dealership online marketing strategy.

Here are the places where you could really screw up your listing if you aren’t careful:

Don’t use a post office box. Even if this is where you get mail, make sure you use the actual address of your business.

Only enter the address into the address field.  That means no directions, no landmarks (turn left at the yellow building), and no descriptions.

Don’t hide your address.  Google gives you the option of hiding your physical address–don’t do it!  Google Places wants to be able to show users where you are located on a map, so let them.

Using a tracking number?  Stop.  Google has officially stated “Types of phone numbers that should not be included are: call tracking numbers and phone numbers that are not specific to a business location.”

Don’t ignore errors in your account, including a misplaced map pinpoint.  Google is notoriously difficult to get a hold of, but don’t let that deter you from reporting an error if and when you see it.

A well developed and maintained Google Places listing can be a huge asset for your dealership’s online marketing efforts.  If you need help with your Google Places account or other aspects of your Internet marketing program, feel free to contact DealerOn for help.

Author Ali Amirrezvani

DealerOn CEO and Co-Founder Ali Co-founded DealerOn in 2004 with his brother and Partner, Amir. Ali with 20+ years of experience is considered one of the top minds of Digital Marketing in the industry and a frequently sought public speaker at NADA, Digital Dealer and other industry forums. Ali is focused on achieving growth by directing the company to develop and acquire best of breed products and services, strategic partnerships and being instrumental in attracting and signing up large Auto Groups. Email Ali

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