We’re all in this together! Your dealership is a pillar of the community, with resources that can be invaluable for helping the less fortunate in this time of crisis. These five tips are a wonderful place to start, showing your friends and neighbors that they can count on you and your dealership. Continue Reading
You’ve seen the plaques up at many a local business. On each one is a picture. The sun is bright, the grass is green, and two rows of kids, decked out in identical uniforms, smile for the camera. A simple black letterboard displays their team name. The plaque says something like “The Junior Eagles, Proudly Sponsored by” and then the name of the business you’re standing in.
Your service department has always been vital to your bottom line. Now, with the necessary social distancing measures we’re undertaking to combat the spread of the coronavirus, it can save your dealership. Your service department is considered an essential service in almost every state, so it’s the one part of your dealership that will remain open and earning for you. With a few minor adjustments, you can position your service department to carry you through.