
Dealership Websites

How to Write Awesome Content For Your Website


This week’s Wednesday Workshop shares some awesome in-depth tips on how to write amazing content for your dealership’s website. Steve, one of our SEO Managers, was asked to speak at Pubcon Florida last month, and his slides were so awesome, we had to share them here on a Wednesday Workshop video.

If you’re writing the content for your dealership’s site, you definitely don’t want to miss this video…

Are you REALLY thinking mobile first?

“Mobile first” has been buzzy for a while now, but far too few dealers actually take that approach with their websites. In this week’s Wednesday Workshop video, we share a few links that shed more light on Google’s mobile first push. Learn why site speed is important, why mobile searches are here to stay, and how you should be adjusting your dealership’s strategy.

The links we mention in the video are:
Page speed post from Moz:
Page speed as a ranking factor:
Mobile first index info:

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